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Teacher Talk

Inside the Language


United States

There are two sides to every coin, such is the case with languages.  In this case, English, where there is the structure, which is grammar, parts of speech, and all that goes along with it.  Also, there is a language within the language that native people speak among ourselves.  It is this language that I endeavor to reveal to non-native speakers, because there is no practical way for you to easily learn the "inner language" unless you are exposed to it by a native speaker.

In regards to American English, Americans have taken the liberty to introduce so many phrases, idioms and slang to communicate, that it can be overwhelming.  There are regional and local differences, but it's not too difficult for the persistent student with native instruction. 

I focus primarily on the common phrases used by Americans on a National level.  Here is a link to the Mini Lessons I write in the Teacher's Forum.


I hope to help you go inside the language!

09:09 PM Dec 25 2010 |

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thanks for sharing

02:41 PM Jan 03 2011 |


United States

You're welcome Aaron.kung, I hope this will be your year!

12:44 PM Jan 04 2011 |




Well, it's really kind of you, thanks for your wish and it's really appreciative.

02:40 AM Jan 06 2011 |




well, I went through all the way. It´s a great thread! The use of idioms is always a difficult topic to non-native speakers. The way you give the examples is amazing. By the way, the suggestion you give: "Read, Write, Speak and think in English!" is the same I always give my students.

Thanks a lot for that thread. 

04:27 PM Jan 11 2011 |


United States

Welcome Led,

I appreciate your comments and encouragement.  There are 3 components to communication:

(1) Transmission (person A speaks to person B) 

(2) Reception (person B receives the message)

(3) Feedback (person B makes a response to person A)

This third component (feedback) is what I am endeavoring to cultivate with my readers/students.  Once this method is implemented in learning English, progress will be made.  Thanks for your feedback!

03:03 AM Jan 12 2011 |



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pass4sure cissppass4sure a+ \ pass4sure ccda

12:22 PM Jan 19 2011 |


United States

Criz, your usage of the phrase, “back in the day” is perfectly understandable and correct!  You are welcome Dancing, thanks for your feedback and appreciation.I would like to encourage everyone who desires to learn English to take this opportunity to write, not just on this post, but any that interests you.

05:51 AM Feb 13 2011 |


United States

Inside the Language – Lesson No. 1

Learning English can be challenging and the beginning is to learn the basic Parts of Speech which will provide the rules of the language. In many countries, English is the native language and others it’s taught in junior and high school.

This structured study is necessary and the teachers are limited by time and the vastness of the language. My area of teaching English is to focus on the area that is not taught or is only taught by way of mentioning it. The side of English that is not taught is as large or larger than the structured parts of English.

This side of English is an area that doesn’t have any rules and many times cannot be understood by using logic. This is what I call “Inside the Language” which I will attempt to reveal to you in a brief lesson.

The areas I’m speaking of are comprised of the following:

1. Figures of speech- Using words in a distinctive manner to guide or mis-guide the listener. The titles below can all be placed under this name.

2. Puns- A word or phrase that has a double-meaning and used to allude the listener. William Shakespeare was known to use puns in his plays.

3. A play on words- Using puns to express a thought that has a double meaning.

4. Phrases and Idioms- Using a phrase to express a thought. Examples: A pretty penny (something was expensive), a drop in the bucket (a small contribution to the amount that is required.)

“An idiom is a phrase where the words together has a meaning that is different from the dictionary definitions of the individual words.” (UsingEnglish.com)

5. Homophones (homonyms)- Words that are spelled differently but have the same pronunciation sound. Example: Night /knight, bear /bare,  hear/here

6. Personification- A figure of speech in which an inanimate object is used having human qualities. Example: “The ocean screamed in it’s fury!”

In this example, oceans don’t have a voice to scream, but the word “screamed” is used as if it were a human. In other words, the waves of the ocean produced a loud sound.

7. Euphemisms- Substituting an offensive or less desirable word for a non-offensive more desirable word. Example: Instead of saying a person died, you could say they passed away or a pre-owned car instead of a used car.

In this side of learning English, the learning process you will have to use is to expose yourself to reading informal English materials, speaking to native speakers, writing down expressions you hear and make it your goal to learn the meaning. Step-by-step you will increase your knowledge and you’ll see your improvement over time.

12:10 PM May 30 2011 |



United States

Thank you, English Teacher for keeping me “on point.”

03:21 AM Jun 15 2011 |


United States

You’re welcome cgray610, we all need to be kept “on point!” (kept straight)  Thanks!

06:16 AM Jun 20 2011 |