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What does "pastime" mean?

Vocabulary Word: pastime

1. Definition (n.) a hobby, an activity people do to “pass the time”

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2. Definition (n.) a hobby, an activity people do to “pass the time.”

Examples My friend Michelle loves to read. It is her favorite pastime.

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3. Definition (n.) something that amuses and passes time happily; a fun diversion from daily life

Examples My favorite pastime is curling up by a roaring fire and reading a good book.

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4. Definition (n.) activity one does to be happy; comes from the expression pass the time

Examples My friend Michelle loves to read. It is her favorite pastime.

Examples My favorite pastime is curling up by a roaring fire and reading a good book.

Examples My boyfriend’s favorite pastime is playing basketball. He goes to the park everyday to play!

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Pastime is sort of thing that the people need it , but we have yo realize that how long it takes and what is it !
If the things could give us a great potential and other hand has beneficial we might call it pastime , otherwise it’s the wasting time .

04:27 AM Jan 02 2016 |




My cousin has a unique pastime, watching the same movie that she enjoy again and again!!

10:28 AM Jan 27 2014 |


johnSuper Member!

United States

Reading is a good pastime, but I prefer skiing.

12:39 AM Apr 15 2013 |

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Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Never think that your real friends have you as their pastime!

07:32 PM Apr 14 2013 |

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Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Be aware of those who play with your heart as their pastime!

05:04 PM Apr 14 2013 |

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