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What does "routine" mean?

Vocabulary Word: routine

1. Definition (n.) a combination of singing and dancing that an artist or musician performs onstage

Examples Britney Spears’ routine at the Grammys last year was too racy in my opinion.

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2. Definition (n.) regular way of doing things in a particular order, often repeated

Examples My morning routine is to wake up, take a shower, get dressed, eat a piece of toast, and drive to work.

Examples Doing homework is part of my daily routine.

Examples My dad has a crazy travel routine because he is always coming and going.

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3. Definition (adj.) normal, ordinary

Examples It’s pretty routine for my family and I to eat dinner after nine o’clock at night.

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When I am going to critique my job which is good for me or not, my boss just gives me promotion! 

run 2

09:25 AM Sep 15 2017 |

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