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What does "fireworks" mean?

Vocabulary Word: fireworks

1. Definition (n.) things that explode when lit with fire, they are usually used for celebrations

Examples When I was a kid, I used to be so scared of fireworks. They can be so loud!

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2. Definition (n.) we light fireworks on big holidays like fourth of July or New Year’s Eve and there are bright explosions in the sky

Examples Fireworks are dangerous for children to use because they can easily start fires.

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3. Definition (n.) explosives that are launched into the air before they explode (they are usually used for celebrations)

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4. Definition (n.) pretty explosives that are used for celebration

Examples The fireworks display by the beach was very colorful this year.

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5. Definition (n.) explosives

Examples It’s fun to watch the fireworks along the waterfront late at night.

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